David Makala - ?BLACK. BLACKED?

David Makala is a self-taught artist from Zambia invited by Gate 44. Born in 1983 in Lusaka, where he currently lives and works, Makala is renowned for his versatility with materials, blending sculpture, painting, printmaking, digital art, and performance.

During his residency, David immersed himself in the creative process, producing a variety of powerful and extraordinary pieces. He worked with different materials and techniques, producing prints, sculptures and installations. The residency ended in an exhibition entitled ? BLACK. BLACKED?

Makala considers his studio practice a form of research space where thoughts and ideas gather resulting in exquisite pieces of art. For David, the processes involved in production also allow for greater interrogations in themes such as "Identity politics and mapping". Makala works from his studio in Chilenje which he purposely chose as a way of working with the community. 

Printmaking assistance: Nicolas Muratore Julia Ozherelieva - Metal working assistance: Lorenzo Cerchierini